On-device Localization Testing

After your translation orders are released by us, you can include the translations back to your software and forward your beta application to our translation reviewers using a testing platform. Thereafter, we will provide a comprehensive report listing all the discrepancies and issues we found in app testing and help you make changes.

Automated app testing

Automated application testing is the best means to ensure that new product versions do not hinder functionality or create new bugs. Compared to manual testing, automation in application quality assurance offers many benefits such as: Lesser time to market Ability to test complex business logic Cost Cutting Less risk of human error

Visual application QA

Easily doable, automated test processes for all layout and visual items One-command verification of data, layout and other elements Multiple platform validation for all web or app visual elements Seamless integration of visual and functional testing of all UI elements

User acceptance testing of applications

Easily changeable and writable parameters and to-do list for users. Tools to capture all user actions in granular detail, and capturing all defects. Our tool automatically takes screenshots and statistics during the testing process. Auto-generated reports that can even create valuable training materials. Data coherent in making actionable decisions easy to reach.

Application QA consulting

Our QA consulting service is absolutely customizable. It lets us help you build a quality assurance procedure starting from the initial stage and to give you additional support when your QA technicians are overwhelmed.Our assessment identifies the good practices that may not be getting documented, the user reported defects (gone unnoticed in QA) and recommending possible ways for QA process improvement. Lastly, we create a framework to save costs, lessen defects, enhance productivity and give you a substantial advantage.